The Art of Effective Communication: 5 Lessons from a Communication Mentor
Effective communication is a fundamental skill that transcends every aspect of our lives. Whether in personal relationships, professional collaborations, or public speaking , the ability to express ourselves clearly and connect with others is paramount. Throughout my journey, I have been fortunate to have a communication mentor who has guided me in honing this essential skill. In this article, I will share five valuable lessons I learned from my communication mentor, shedding light on the art of effective communication and its transformative power. Active Listening The first lesson I learned from my communication mentor was the art of active listening. They taught me that communication is not just about speaking; it is equally important to listen attentively to others. I discovered the immense power of truly hearing and understanding others by practising active listening. This lesson enabled me to cultivate empathy, strengthen relationships, and enhance my communication skills. Clarity...